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Java Persistence With Hibernate Second Edition Torrent

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Details Written by Nam Ha Minh Last Updated on 17 July 2019 Print Email In this Java Hibernate JPA tutorial, you will learn how to code a simple database program using Hibernate framework with JPA annotations. Besides, you will also learn how to setup a Java Maven project in Eclipse, and work with MySQL database.This tutorial supposes that you already installed the following software programs on your computer:
Java Persistence with Hibernate: Revised Edition of Hibernate in Action by Christian Bauer, Gavin King. Manning Publications. Spine creases, wear to binding and pages from reading. May contain limited notes, underlining or highlighting that does affect the text. Possible ex library copy, thatll have the markings and stickers associated from the library. This torrent is discovered about 2 years ago, and it contains 14 Files, And currently Having 0 Seeders And 0 Leechers Use the file list tab and browse through folders to get better understanding about the file you are about to download. Label kingcrow label persistence. Dec 05, 2012 Java persistence with Hibernate is the latest edition of bestselling Hibernate in Action series. This is one of the best and most comprehensive book for learning the Hibernate framework. If you are buying this book, keep in mind that this is most exhaustive which covers most of the things what you have to learn in Hibernate.
Hibernate.dialect = net.sf.hibernate.dialect.SybaseDialect hibernate.showsql = true We will get back to executing this example shortly. What does Hibernate offer? Hibernate is an open source (released under LPGL) product for providing seamless persistence for Java objects. It uses reflections and yet provides excellent performance.
This class is designed for Java programmers with a need to understand the Java persistence provided by Hibernate or JPA framework and API. Students should have a good understanding of the Java programming language. A basic understanding of relational databases and SQL is very helpful. Object Persistence Persistence.
- Java Development Kit (JDK 1.8 or above)
- MySQL, includes MySQL database server, MySQL Command Line Client, and MySQL Workbench tool (MySQL 5.5 or above)
- Eclipse IDE (Neon or later) Here are the steps you will follow in this tutorial: 1. Overview of JPA and Hibernate Lets understand some fundamentals about JPA and Hibernate before writing code. Java Persistence API (JPA): JPA is a Java API specification for relational data management in applications using Java SE and Java EE. JPA defines a standard way for simplifying database programming for developers, reduce development time and increase productivity.When using JPA, you have to import interfaces and classes from the package javax.persistence.
JPA defines Java Persistence Query Language (JPQL) which is an object-oriented query language. The syntax of JPQL is similar to SQL but it operates against Java objects rather than directly with database tables.Remember JPA is a specification, and Hibernate is one of its implementations, among others such as EclipseLink and OpenJPA. Hibernate Framework: Hibernate is a popular Object Relational Mapping (ORM) framework that aims at simplifying database programming for developers.Hibernate was developed before JPA. And after JPA becomes a standard, Hibernate restructures itself to become an implementation of JPA.The Hibernate framework consists of several components: Hibernate ORM, Hibernate Search, Hibernate Validator, Hibernate CGM and Hibernate Tools. In this tutorial, we use Hibernate ORM which is the core component of the Hibernate framework, for mapping Java model classes to tables in a relational database. 2. Create MySQL Database Use the following statement to create a database named usersdb using MySQL Workbench or MySQL Command Line Client:Then create a table name users with 4 columns: user_id , fullname , email and password , using the following script:Using desc users command in MySQL Command Line Client, the structure of the table looks like this:Note that the column user_id is the tables primary key and it is auto-increment. 3. Setup Java Maven Project in Eclipse In Eclipse IDE, click File New Project and select Maven Maven Project in the New Project dialog. Then click Next .In the next screen, check the option Create a simple project (skip archetype selection) , and then click Next .In the New Maven Project screen, enter the projects information as follows:
- Group Id: net.codejava.hibernate
- Artifact Id: HibernateJPABeginner Leave other things as they are and click Finish . In the Project Explorer view, you see the project gets created with the following structure: Configure Maven Dependencies: Next, we need to add dependencies in Mavens Project Object Model ( pom.xml ) for Hibernate, JPA and MySQL Connector Java. Open the pom.xml file in XML mode and insert the following XML just before the /project tag:You see, here we add two dependencies for the project: hibernate-core and mysql-connector-java . Maven automatically downloads the required JAR files which are shown under the Maven Dependencies node in the project:You see, we just specify the dependency hibernate-core , but Maven can analyze and download all the dependencies of hibernate-core as well. Thats really helpful, right?Create a new Java package name net.codejava.hibernate under the src/main/java folder. Well put our Java classes in this package. 4. Code Model Class Next, lets create a domain model class named User . Then we will use JPA annotations to map this table to the corresponding table in the database.Heres the initial code of the User class:You see, this is just a POJO (Plain Old Java Object) class with some instance fields and its getter and setter methods. Now, lets use some annotations provided by JPA to map this model class to the users table in the database. @Entity This annotation indicates that the class is mapped to a database table. By default, the ORM framework understands that the class name is as same as the table name. The @Entity annotation must be placed before the class definition: @Table This annotation is used if the class name is different than the database table name, and it is must placed before the class definition. Since the class name is User and the table name is Users , we have to use this annotation: @Column This annotation is used to map an instance field of the class to a column in the database table, and it is must placed before the getter method of the field. By default, Hibernate can implicitly infer the mapping based on field name and field type of the class. But if the field name and the corresponding column name are different, we have to use this annotation explicitly. ThisIn our model class, the field name id is different than the column user_id , so we have to use the @Column annotation as follows:The other fields (fullname, email and password) have identical names as the corresponding columns in the table so we dont have to annotate those fields. @Id This annotation specifies that a field is mapped to a primary key column in the table. Since the column user_id is a primary key, we have to use this annotation as follows: @GeneratedValue If the values of the primary column are auto-increment, we need to use this annotation to tell Hibernate knows, along with one of the following strategy types: AUTO , IDENTITY , SEQUENCE , and TABLE . In our case, we use the strategy IDENTITY which specifies that the generated values are unique at table level, whereas the strategy AUTO implies that the generated values are unique at database level.Therefore, the getter method of the field id is annotated as follows:Finally, we have the model class User is annotated as follows: 5. Create JPA Configuration File (persistence.xml) Next, we need to create an XML configuration file for JPA called persistence.xml , in order to tell Hibernate how to connect to the database. This file must be present in the classpath, under the META-INF folder.Under the src/main/resources folder, create a new folder named META-INF (Right-click, select New Other Folder ).Right click on the newly created folder META-INF , select New Other XML XML File . Enter the file name as persistence.xml . And paste the following XML code:The root element persistence specifies the version of JPA to be used, and as you can see, we use JPA version 2.1.The element persistence-unit specifies a unit of persistence with a name. The name ( UsersDB ) will be looked up by Java code.Then we specify several properties for database connection information:
- javax.persistence.jdbc.url : specifies the JDBC URL points to the database.
- javax.persistence.jdbc.user : specifies the username of the account having privilege to access to the database. Flexi pro software .
- javax.persistence.jdbc.password : specifies the password of the user.
- javax.persistence.jdbc.driver : specifies the class name of the JDBC driver to be used. Here we use MySQL Connector Java so the name is com.mysql.jdbc.Driver .
- hibernate.show_sql : tells Hibernate to show SQL statements in standard output.
- hibernate.format_sql : tells Hibernate to format the SQL statements. So you may need to change the values for url , user , and password accordingly. 6. Understand EntityManager and EntityManagerFactory Finally, we need to code a test program to check if everything weve done so far is correct or not. But lets understand a couple of key interfaces in JPA first. EntityManager: An EntityManager instance is associated with a persistence context, and it is used to interact with the database.A persistence context is a set of entity instances, which are actually the objects or instances of the model classes.So we use the EntityManager to manage entity instances and their life cycle, such as create entities, update entities, remove entities, find and query entities. EntityManagerFactory : An EntityManagerFactory is used to create an EntityManager . And EntityManagerFactory is associated with a persistence unit. In Java SE environments, an EntityManagerFactory can be obtained from the Persistence class.And here are the typical steps to manage entity instances via JPA:
- Create an EntityManagerFactory from a persistence unit
- Create an EntityManager from the EntityManagerFactory
- Begin a transaction
- Manage entity instances (create, update, remove, find, query, etc)
Marks head bobbers and hand jobbers jada and will smith open marriage . - Commit the transaction
- Close the EntityManager and EntityManagerFactory Lets see the code details below. 7. Code a Test Program Now, lets write some code to create, update, find, query and remove User entity instances using JPA. Create a new Java class under src/main/java folder called , with the main() method. Persist an entity instance: In the main() method, add the following code to create an EntityManager and begin the transaction:And write the following code to saves a new User object to the database:As you can see, we call the persist(Object) method of the EntityManager class to save the User object to the underlying database.And finally commit the transaction and close the EntityManager and EntityManagerFactory :So the complete program should look like this:Run this program, and you should see the following output in the Console view:You see, Hibernate prints the SQL statement which is nicely formatted. That means the program has been executed successfully. You can check the result by typing the command select * from users in MySQL Command Line Client tool:You see, a new row created and you dont have to write any SQL statement, right? Thats the power of using Hibernate/JPA for database programming.Lets see how to perform other operations. Update an entity instance: The following code snippet updates an entity instance which is already persisted in the database:As you can see, we need to specify the ID of the object and use the merge(Object) method of the EntityManager class. Find an entity instance: To find an entity from the database, we use the method find(ClassT entityClass, Object primaryKey) of the EntityManager class. For example:This code finds the user with ID = 1 in the database. Execute a query: The following code snippet shows you how to execute a query (JPQL):Note that the query looks similar to traditional SQL syntax but it is not. The difference is JPQL operates against entity instances (Java objects) rather than tables in database. Remove an entity instance: And the following code demonstrates how to delete an entity instance:As you can see, this code removes the User object with ID = 1 from the database, first by looking up a reference based on the class type ( User.class ) and primary key value (1), then remove the reference.Thats how to get started with Hibernate/JPA with Eclipse and MySQL. We hope this tutorial is helpful for you. Happy coding! References: You can watch the video version of this tutorial here: Other Hibernate Tutorials:
About the Author: Nam Ha Minh is certified Java programmer (SCJP and SCWCD). He started programming with Java in the time of Java 1.4 and has been falling in love with Java since then. Make friend with him on Facebook and watch his Java videos you YouTube.
Download and Read online High Performance Java Persistence ebooks in PDF, epub, Tuebl Mobi, Kindle Book. Get Free High Performance Java Persistence Textbook and unlimited access to our library by created an account. Fast Download speed and ads Free! High Performance Java Persistence Author : Vlad Mihalcea Publsiher : Vlad Mihalcea Total Pages : 329 Release : 2016-10-12 ISBN 10 : 9789730228236 ISBN 13 : 973022823X Language : EN, FR, DE, ES NL
A high-performance data access layer must resonate with the underlying database system. Knowing the inner workings of a relational database and the data access frameworks in use can make the difference between a high-performance enterprise application and one that barely crawls. This book is a journey into Java data access performance tuning. From connection management, to batch updates, fetch sizes and concurrency control mechanisms, it unravels the inner workings of the most common Java data access frameworks. The first part aims to reduce the gap between application developers and database administrators. For this reason, it covers both JDBC and the database fundamentals that are of paramount importance when reducing transaction response times. In this first part, you'll learn about connection management, batch updates, statement caching, result set fetching and database transactions. The second part demonstrates how you can take advantage of JPA and Hibernate without compromising application performance. In this second part, you'll learn about the most efficient Hibernate mappings (basic types, associations, inheritance), fetching best practices, caching and concurrency control mechanisms. The third part is dedicated to jOOQ and its powerful type-safe querying capabilities, like window functions, common table expressions, upsert, stored procedures and database functions. Rapid Java Persistence and Microservices Author : Raj Malhotra Publsiher : Apress Total Pages : 319 Release : 2019-06-19 ISBN 10 : 1484244761 ISBN 13 : 9781484244760 Language : EN, FR, DE, ES NL Rapid Java Persistence and Microservices Book Review:
Gain all the essentials you need to create scalable microservices, which will help you solve real challenges when deploying services into production. This book will take you through creating a scalable data layer with polygot persistence. Youll cover data access and query patterns in Spring and JPA in high-performance environments. As part of this topic, youll see the advantages of multiple persistence frameworks in Java and especially the easy persistence offered by NoSQL databases and reactive web solutions. The last few chapters present advanced concepts that are useful for very high-performance real-time applications: youll implement applications using Springs good support for Web sockets in their raw form as well as for connecting to message brokers such as RabbitMQ. This can be useful for applications such as navigation systems and gaming platforms. What You Will Learn Build end-to-end modern applications using microservices, persistence essentials, reactive web, and other high-performance concepts Master Springs configuration options Secure microservices efficiently Monitor your services post deployment Who This Book Is For Java developers and architects interested in microservices. Java Persistence Api Spring Boot Persistence Best Practices Author : Anghel Leonard Publsiher : Apress Total Pages : 1027 Release : 2020-05-17 ISBN 10 : 1484256263 ISBN 13 : 9781484256268 Language : EN, FR, DE, ES NL Spring Boot Persistence Best Practices Book Review:
This book is a collection of developer code recipes and best practices for persisting data using Spring, particularly Spring Boot. The book is structured around practical recipes, where each recipe discusses a performance case or performance-related case, and almost every recipe has one or more applications. Mainly, when we try to accomplish something (e.g., read some data from the database), there are several approaches to do it, and, in order to choose the best way, you have to know the implied trades-off from a performance perspective. Youll see that in the end, all these penalties slow down the application. Besides presenting the arguments that favor a certain choice, the application is written in Spring Boot style which is quite different than plain Hibernate. Persistence is an important set of techniques and technologies for accessing and using data, and this book demonstrates that data is mobile regardless of specific applications and contexts. In Java development, persistence is a key factor in enterprise, ecommerce, cloud and other transaction-oriented applications. After reading and using this book, you'll have the fundamentals to apply these persistence solutions into your own mission-critical enterprise Java applications that you build using Spring. What You Will Learn Shape *-to-many associations for best performances Effectively exploit Spring Projections (DTO) Learn best practices for batching inserts, updates and deletes Effectively fetch parent and association in a single SELECT Learn how to inspect Persistent Context content Dissect pagination techniques (offset and keyset) Handle queries, locking, schemas, Hibernate types, and more Who This Book Is For Any Spring and Spring Boot developer that wants to squeeze the persistence layer performances. Hibernate Tips Author : Thorben Janssen Publsiher : Thoughts on Java Total Pages : 256 Release : 2018-01-09 ISBN 10 : 3963136987 ISBN 13 : 9783963136986 Language : EN, FR, DE, ES NL
When you use Hibernate in your projects, you quickly recognize that you need to do more than just add @Entity annotations to your domain model classes. Real-world applications often require advanced mappings, complex queries, custom data types and caching. Hibernate can do all of that. You just have to know which annotations and APIs you need to use. Hibernate Tips - More than 70 solutions to common Hibernate problems shows you how to efficiently implement your persistence layer with Hibernate's basic and advanced features. Each Hibernate Tip consists of one or more code samples and an easy to follow step-by-step explanation. You can also download an example project with executable test cases for each Hibernate Tip. Throughout this book, you will get more than 70 ready-to-use solutions that show you how to: - Define standard mappings for basic attributes and entity associations. - Implement your own attribute mappings and support custom data types. - Use Hibernate's Java 8 support and other proprietary features. - Read data from the database with JPQL, Criteria API, and native SQL queries. - Call stored procedures and database functions. This book is for developers who are already working with Hibernate and who are looking for solutions for their current development tasks. It's not a book for beginners who are looking for extensive descriptions of Hibernate's general concepts. The tips are designed as self-contained recipes which provide a specific solution and can be accessed when needed. Most of them contain links to related tips which you can follow if you want to dive deeper into a topic or need a slightly different solution. There is no need to read the tips in a specific order. Feel free to read the book from cover to cover or to just pick the tips that help you in your current project. Java Persistence with Hibernate Author : Christian Bauer,Gavin King,Gary Gregory Publsiher : Manning Publications Total Pages : 608 Release : 2015-11-08 ISBN 10 : 9781617290459 ISBN 13 : 1617290459 Language : EN, FR, DE, ES NL
Summary Java Persistence with Hibernate, Second Edition explores Hibernate by developing an application that ties together hundreds of individual examples. In this revised edition, authors Christian Bauer, Gavin King, and Gary Gregory cover Hibernate 5 in detail with the Java Persistence 2.1 standard (JSR 338). All examples have been updated for the latest Hibernate and Java EE specification versions. About the Technology Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. Persistencethe ability of data to outlive an instance of a programis central to modern applications. Hibernate, the most popular Java persistence tool, offers automatic and transparent object/relational mapping, making it a snap to work with SQL databases in Java applications. About the Book Java Persistence with Hibernate, Second Edition explores Hibernate by developing an application that ties together hundreds of individual examples. You'll immediately dig into the rich programming model of Hibernate, working through mappings, queries, fetching strategies, transactions, conversations, caching, and more. Along the way you'll find a well-illustrated discussion of best practices in database design and optimization techniques. In this revised edition, authors Christian Bauer, Gavin King, and Gary Gregory cover Hibernate 5 in detail with the Java Persistence 2.1 standard (JSR 338). All examples have been updated for the latest Hibernate and Java EE specification versions. What's Inside Object/relational mapping concepts Efficient database application design Comprehensive Hibernate and Java Persistence reference Integration of Java Persistence with EJB, CDI, JSF, and JAX-RS * Unmatched breadth and depth About the Reader The book assumes a working knowledge of Java. About the Authors Christian Bauer is a member of the Hibernate developer team and a trainer and consultant. Gavin King is the founder of the Hibernate project and a member of the Java Persistence expert group (JSR 220). Gary Gregory is a principal software engineer working on application servers and legacy integration. Table of Contents PART 1 GETTING STARTED WITH ORM Understanding object/relational persistence Starting a project Domain models and metadata PART 2 MAPPING STRATEGIES Mapping persistent classes Mapping value types Mapping inheritance Mapping collections and entity associations Advanced entity association mappings Complex and legacy schemas PART 3 TRANSACTIONAL DATA PROCESSING Managing data Transactions and concurrency Fetch plans, strategies, and profiles Filtering data PART 4 WRITING QUERIES Creating and executing queries The query languages Advanced query options Customizing SQL Spring Persistence with Hibernate Author : Paul Fisher,Brian D. Murphy Publsiher : Apress Total Pages : 164 Release : 2016-05-31 ISBN 10 : 1484202686 ISBN 13 : 9781484202685 Language : EN, FR, DE, ES NL
Learn how to use the core Hibernate APIs and tools as part of the Spring Framework. This book illustrates how these two frameworks can be best utilized. Other persistence solutions available in Spring are also shown including the Java Persistence API (JPA). Spring Persistence with Hibernate, Second Edition has been updated to cover Spring Framework version 4 and Hibernate version 5. After reading and using this book, you'll have the fundamentals to apply these persistence solutions into your own mission-critical enterprise Java applications that you build using Spring. Persistence is an important set of techniques and technologies for accessing and using data, and ensuring that data is mobile regardless of specific applications and contexts. In Java development, persistence is a key factor in enterprise, e-commerce, and other transaction-oriented applications. Today, the agile and open source Spring Framework is the leading out-of-the-box, open source solution for enterprise Java developers; in it, you can find a number of Java persistence solutions. What You'll Learn Use Spring Persistence, including using persistence tools in Spring as well as choosing the best Java persistence frameworks outside of Spring Take advantage of Spring Framework features such as Inversion of Control (IoC), aspect-oriented programming (AOP), and more Work with Spring JDBC, use declarative transactions with Spring, and reap the benefits of a lightweight persistence strategy Harness Hibernate and integrate it into your Spring-based enterprise Java applications for transactions, data processing, and more Integrate JPA for creating a well-layered persistence tier in your enterprise Java application Who This Book Is For This book is ideal for developers interested in learning more about persistence framework options on the Java platform, as well as fundamental Spring concepts. Because the book covers several persistence frameworks, it is suitable for anyone interested in learning more about Spring or any of the frameworks covered. Lastly, this book covers advanced topics related to persistence architecture and design patterns, and is ideal for beginning developers looking to learn more in these areas. Hibernate Recipes Author : Gary Mak,Srinivas Guruzu Publsiher : Apress Total Pages : 312 Release : 2010-08-12 ISBN 10 : 1430227974 ISBN 13 : 9781430227977 Language : EN, FR, DE, ES NL
Hibernate continues to be the most popular out-of-the-box framework solution for Java Persistence and data/database accessibility techniques and patterns. It is used for e-commercebased web applications as well as heavy-duty transactional systems for the enterprise. Gary Mak, the author of the best-selling Spring Recipes, now brings you Hibernate Recipes. This book contains a collection of code recipes and templates for learning and building Hibernate solutions for you and your clients. This book is your pragmatic day-to-day reference and guide for doing all things involving Hibernate. There are many books focused on learning Hibernate, but this book takes you further and shows how you can apply it practically in your daily work. Spring Data Standard Guide Author : Petri Kainulainen Publsiher : Packt Publishing Ltd Total Pages : 160 Release : 2012-11-05 ISBN 10 : 1849519056 ISBN 13 : 9781849519052 Language : EN, FR, DE, ES NL
Implement JPA repositories and harness the performance of Redis in your applications. Beginning Hibernate Author : Joseph B. Ottinger,Jeff Linwood,Dave Minter Publsiher : Apress Total Pages : 223 Release : 2016-11-10 ISBN 10 : 1484223195 ISBN 13 : 9781484223192 Language : EN, FR, DE, ES NL Java Persistence With Hibernate Second Edition Torrent Free
Get started with the Hibernate 5 persistence layer and gain a clear introduction to the current standard for object-relational persistence in Java. This updated edition includes the new Hibernate 5.0 framework as well as coverage of NoSQL, MongoDB, and other related technologies, ranging from applications to big data. Beginning Hibernate is ideal if youre experienced in Java with databases (the traditional, or connected, approach), but new to open-source, lightweight Hibernate. The book keeps its focus on Hibernate without wasting time on nonessential third-party tools, so youll be able to immediately start building transaction-based engines and applications. Experienced authors Joseph Ottinger with Dave Minter and Jeff Linwood provide more in-depth examples than any other book for Hibernate beginners. They present their material in a lively, example-based mannernot a dry, theoretical, hard-to-read fashion. What You'll Learn Build enterprise Java-based transaction-type applications that access complex data with Hibernate Work with Hibernate 5 using a present-day build process Use Java 8 features with Hibernate Integrate into the persistence life cycle Map using Javas annotations Search and query with the new version of Hibernate Integrate with MongoDB using NoSQL Keep track of versioned data with Hibernate Envers Who This Book Is For Experienced Java developers interested in learning how to use and apply object-relational persistence in Java and who are new to the Hibernate persistence framework. Cassandra High Performance Cookbook Author : Edward Capriolo Publsiher : Packt Publishing Ltd Total Pages : 324 Release : 2011-07-15 ISBN 10 : 1849515131 ISBN 13 : 9781849515139 Language : EN, FR, DE, ES NL
Over 150 recipes to design and optimize large scale Apache Cassandra deployments. Pro JPA 2 Author : Mike Keith,Merrick Schincariol,Jeremy Keith Publsiher : Apress Total Pages : 500 Release : 2011-01-28 ISBN 10 : 1430219572 ISBN 13 : 9781430219576 Language : EN, FR, DE, ES NL
Pro JPA 2 introduces, explains, and demonstrates how to use the Java Persistence API (JPA). JPA provides Java developers with both the knowledge and insight needed to write Java applications that access relational databases through JPA. Authors Mike Keith and Merrick Schincariol take a handson approach to teaching by giving examples to illustrate each concept of the API and showing how it is used in practice. All of the examples use a common model from an overriding sample application, giving readers a context from which to start and helping them to understand the examples within an already familiar domain. After completing the book, you will have a full understanding and be able to successfully code applications using JPA. The book also serves as a reference guide during initial and later JPA application experiences. Hands-on examples for all the aspects of the JPA specification, based on the reference implementation of this specification A special section on migration to JPA Expert insight about various aspects of the API and when they are useful Portability hints to provide increased awareness of the potential for nonportable JPA code Pro JPA 2 in Java EE 8 Author : Mike Keith,Merrick Schincariol,Massimo Nardone Publsiher : Apress Total Pages : 759 Release : 2018-02-01 ISBN 10 : 1484234200 ISBN 13 : 9781484234204 Language : EN, FR, DE, ES NL
Learn to use the Java Persistence API (JPA) and other related APIs as found in the Java EE 8 platform from the perspective of one of the specification creators. A one-of-a-kind resource, this in-depth book provides both theoretical and practical coverage of JPA usage for experienced Java developers. Authors Mike Keith, Merrick Schincariol and Massimo Nardone take a hands-on approach, based on their wealth of experience and expertise, by giving examples to illustrate each concept of the API and showing how it is used in practice. The examples use a common model from an overarching sample application, giving you a context from which to start and helping you to understand the examples within an already familiar domain. After completing Pro JPA 2 in Java EE 8, you will have a full understanding of JPA and be able to successfully code applications using its annotations and APIs. The book also serves as an excellent reference guide. What You Will Learn Use the JPA in the context of enterprise applications Work with object relational mappings (ORMs), collection mappings and more Build complex enterprise Java applications that persist data long after the process terminates Connect to and persist data with a variety of databases, file formats, and more Use queries, including the Java Persistence Query Language (JPQL) Carry out advanced ORM, queries and XML mappings Package, deploy and test your Java persistence-enabled enterprise applications Who This Book Is For Experienced Java programmers and developers with at least some prior experience with J2EE or Java EE platform APIs. Java EE 8 High Performance Author : Romain Manni-Bucau Publsiher : Packt Publishing Ltd Total Pages : 350 Release : 2018-01-30 ISBN 10 : 1788472152 ISBN 13 : 9781788472159 Language : EN, FR, DE, ES NL
Get more control of your applications performances in development and production and know how to meet your Service Level Agreement on critical microservices. Key Features Learn how to write a JavaEE application with performance constraints (Service Level AgreementSLA) leveraging the platform Learn how to identify bottlenecks and hotspots in your application to fix them Ensure that you are able to continuously control your performance in production and during development Book Description The ease with which we write applications has been increasing, but with this comes the need to address their performance. A balancing act between easily implementing complex applications and keeping their performance optimal is a present-day need. In this book, we explore how to achieve this crucial balance while developing and deploying applications with Java EE 8. The book starts by analyzing various Java EE specifications to identify those potentially affecting performance adversely. Then, we move on to monitoring techniques that enable us to identify performance bottlenecks and optimize performance metrics. Next, we look at techniques that help us achieve high performance: memory optimization, concurrency, multi-threading, scaling, and caching. We also look at fault tolerance solutions and the importance of logging. Lastly, you will learn to benchmark your application and also implement solutions for continuous performance evaluation. By the end of the book, you will have gained insights into various techniques and solutions that will help create high-performance applications in the Java EE 8 environment. What you will learn Identify performance bottlenecks in an application Locate application hotspots using performance tools Understand the work done under the hood by EE containers and its impact on performance Identify common patterns to integrate with Java EE applications Implement transparent caching on your applications Extract more information from your applications using Java EE without modifying existing code Ensure constant performance and eliminate regression Who this book is for If you're a Java developer looking to improve the performance of your code or simply wanting to take your skills up to the next level, then this book is perfect for you. High Performance Spark Author : Holden Karau,Rachel Warren Publsiher : 'O'Reilly Media, Inc.' Total Pages : 358 Release : 2017-05-25 ISBN 10 : 1491943173 ISBN 13 : 9781491943175 Language : EN, FR, DE, ES NL
Apache Spark is amazing when everything clicks. But if you havent seen the performance improvements you expected, or still dont feel confident enough to use Spark in production, this practical book is for you. Authors Holden Karau and Rachel Warren demonstrate performance optimizations to help your Spark queries run faster and handle larger data sizes, while using fewer resources. Ideal for software engineers, data engineers, developers, and system administrators working with large-scale data applications, this book describes techniques that can reduce data infrastructure costs and developer hours. Not only will you gain a more comprehensive understanding of Spark, youll also learn how to make it sing. With this book, youll explore: How Spark SQLs new interfaces improve performance over SQLs RDD data structure The choice between data joins in Core Spark and Spark SQL Techniques for getting the most out of standard RDD transformations How to work around performance issues in Sparks key/value pair paradigm Writing high-performance Spark code without Scala or the JVM How to test for functionality and performance when applying suggested improvements Using Spark MLlib and Spark ML machine learning libraries Sparks Streaming components and external community packages High Performance in memory computing with Apache Ignite Author : Shamim bhuiyan,Michael Zheludkov,Timur Isachenko Publsiher : Total Pages : 360 Release : 2017-04-08 ISBN 10 : 1365732355 ISBN 13 : 9781365732355 Language : EN, FR, DE, ES NL High Performance in memory computing with Apache Ignite Book Review:
This book covers a verity of topics, including in-memory data grid, highly available service grid, streaming (event processing for IoT and fast data) and in-memory computing use cases from high-performance computing to get performance gains. The book will be particularly useful for those, who have the following use cases: 1) You have a high volume of ACID transactions in your system. 2) You have database bottleneck in your application and want to solve the problem. 3) You want to develop and deploy Microservices in a distributed fashion. 4) You have an existing Hadoop ecosystem (OLAP) and want to improve the performance of map/reduce jobs without making any changes in your existing map/reduce jobs. 5) You want to share Spark RDD directly in-memory (without storing the state into the disk) 7) You are planning to process continuous never-ending streams and complex events of data. 8) You want to use distributed computations in parallel fashion to gain high performance. Java Performance The Definitive Guide Author : Scott Oaks Publsiher : 'O'Reilly Media, Inc.' Total Pages : 426 Release : 2014-04-10 ISBN 10 : 1449363547 ISBN 13 : 9781449363543 Language : EN, FR, DE, ES NL Java Performance The Definitive Guide Book Review:
Coding and testing are often considered separate areas of expertise. In this comprehensive guide, author and Java expert Scott Oaks takes the approach that anyone who works with Java should be equally adept at understanding how code behaves in the JVM, as well as the tunings likely to help its performance. Youll gain in-depth knowledge of Java application performance, using the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and the Java platform, including the language and API. Developers and performance engineers alike will learn a variety of features, tools, and processes for improving the way Java 7 and 8 applications perform. Apply four principles for obtaining the best results from performance testing Use JDK tools to collect data on how a Java application is performing Understand the advantages and disadvantages of using a JIT compiler Tune JVM garbage collectors to affect programs as little as possible Use techniques to manage heap memory and JVM native memory Maximize Java threading and synchronization performance features Tackle performance issues in Java EE and Java SE APIs Improve Java-driven database application performance Pro EJB 3 Author : Mike Keith,Merrick Schincariol Publsiher : Apress Total Pages : 480 Release : 2006-12-06 ISBN 10 : 9781430201687 ISBN 13 : 1430201681 Language : EN, FR, DE, ES NL
First EJB 3.0 book on the market and a definitive guide to the major innovation in EJB: the new persistence API Offers unparalleled insight and expertise: lead authored by the co-lead on the EJB 3.0 spec (Mike Keith) Java Performance Tuning Author : Jack Shirazi Publsiher : 'O'Reilly Media, Inc.' Total Pages : 570 Release : 2003-01-21 ISBN 10 : 9780596003777 ISBN 13 : 0596003773 Language : EN, FR, DE, ES NL
Helps readers eliminate performance problems, covering topics including bottlenecks, profiling tools, strings, algorithms, distributed systems, and servlets. Hibernate in Action Author : Christian Bauer,Gavin King Publsiher : Manning Publications Total Pages : 408 Release : 2005 ISBN 10 : 9781932394153 ISBN 13 : 193239415X Language : EN, FR, DE, ES NL
A guide to using Hibernate covers such topics as ORM, application architecture, and developer tools. Building Maintainable Software Java Edition Author : Joost Visser,Sylvan Rigal,Rob van der Leek,Pascal van Eck,Gijs Wijnholds Publsiher : 'O'Reilly Media, Inc.' Total Pages : 168 Release : 2016-01-28 ISBN 10 : 1491953497 ISBN 13 : 9781491953495 Language : EN, FR, DE, ES NL Building Maintainable Software Java Edition Book Review:
Have you ever felt frustrated working with someone elses code? Difficult-to-maintain source code is a big problem in software development today, leading to costly delays and defects. Be part of the solution. With this practical book, youll learn 10 easy-to-follow guidelines for delivering Java software thats easy to maintain and adapt. These guidelines have been derived from analyzing hundreds of real-world systems. Written by consultants from the Software Improvement Group (SIG), this book provides clear and concise explanations, with advice for turning the guidelines into practice. Examples for this edition are written in Java, while our companion C book provides workable examples in that language. Write short units of code: limit the length of methods and constructors Write simple units of code: limit the number of branch points per method Write code once, rather than risk copying buggy code Keep unit interfaces small by extracting parameters into objects Separate concerns to avoid building large classes Couple architecture components loosely Balance the number and size of top-level components in your code Keep your codebase as small as possible Automate tests for your codebase Write clean code, avoiding 'code smells' that indicate deeper problems
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